Wuhu Hengxin Cable Co., Ltd
Contact:Mr Dai
Phone: 13955309088
Address: 13955309088@163.com
Address: Jiuhua North Road Electrical Components Industrial Park, Wuhu City, Anhui Province
What do you know about MI heating cables
为了检验其质量,生产线上下线的每一个电伴热带钢产品都经过了严格的质量检验。实验中将微型加热电缆直接浸入水中8小时,离水后再加热,无故障运行。经实践证明,该加热电缆质量好,经得起检验。微型加热电缆特别适用于800 °c 以上的环境,因为800 °c 的高温足以熔化所有的塑料电热保护套,因此,不能被高温熔化的微型加热电缆以其在电厂漏斗、核电站预热等平台上的优异耐温性被广泛认可,成为电力公司热带家族中的佼佼者。
Prev: How is the electric heating belt used for antifreeze and insulation
Next: What should electric heating belt manufacturers pay attention to when choosing a heating belt
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